A Nice "Ryan" hat came with the cotton candy bag.
I don't know what it is about our family but we all love trains. We have a couple that we like to get out around Christmas time and the kids just love them.
The hair dresser
Ali playing the bells
Ali sucking the air out of one of her bags.(makes it more compact)
Andy is very proud of his bag, he did it all by himself He couldn't quite get the sucking the air out thing, he kept blowing up his bag.
Grandma decided we needed to do 72 hour kits for the kids. It was so much fun. I think they liked the whistle the best. Nanny brought them all outside and they all got to blow to their hearts content. Then at the end Nanny let them all pick a little stuffed animal that she has always had at the cabin for the kids to play with so they would have a comfort object with a good memory. They kids had so much fun
Grandkids blowing their whistles
Sam and the cabin animal he picked for his 72 hour kit
The other day I found the kids in the bath tub, I think they are already ready for summer!
Okay, and here are the grape nuts I like to make. Believe it or not they taste just like the real thing and my kids love them. One batch of grape nuts only lasted two days around here with Alison. She thought she needed them for every snack.
Andrew...that looks like it hurts!