Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ali's First Grade Program

Tonight was Alison's first grade program. It was on all kinds of weather and they sang songs, danced, and played some musical instuments. She did a great job and was fun to watch. I thought I would grab a picture of us before we went, but trying to take a picture with our little clown proved harder than I thought.....(I wonder where she gets that from?)

Hey how come this one turned out so cute...I guess you know who wears the pants in this family:)

Ali playing the bells

1 comment:

Jena said...

Oh my goodness - look at that family of yours! I found your blog through Shan's so I thought I'd take a peek. I must say Ali looks just like you - wow! I hope all is well - take care!

Jena (Lancaster) DeVries