Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Love of my Life

In honor of Valentines Day, soon approaching I thought I would post this picture of me and Jeff's first date back in 1997. He had came to my house and asked me to prom. I had never even met him before, and didn't really even know who he was. Turned out he was pretty great, and well, the rest is history! I love you Jeff!

Our little Andy

Well we really haven't had much to talk about this month. Nothing really new or exciting has happened. After the Holiday's we have just gone back to normal, Jeff working a lot and kids at school. However I do feel we have one great milestone..... ANDY'S POTTY TRAINED!!! A couple of weeks ago he wanted to wear his Thomas the train undies, and of course I wasn't going to say no, so we put them on and every time he went potty I gave him a penny and he got to get a bubble gum out of Ali's big bubble gum machine that she got for Christmas! (Thanks for supporting the cause Ali) Anyway within about 2 days he was going by himself and I think he's done. We are so excited to have all of our kids out of diapers, at least during the day. Our little Andy is such a sweet boy, I sure did fall in love with him these past few weeks getting potty trained. He sure is a good boy!

Our Sam Sam
One thing we have discovered lately is how much we love to watch Sam. He gets so excited about everything in life. Jeff had couple of days off a week ago and accidentally said "fishing" and so that's all we heard out of Sams mouth for 3 days. Jeff took him to Sportman Warehouse and bought him a little box to put flies in. Then Jeff tied some flies for Sam's box and you would have thought Sam had died and gone to heaven! He sat there with Jeff for hours just watching him tie flies to fill up Sam's box. Now he thinks he needs to fill every pocket in his fly vest.

Also Sam had Pajama Day at school and they got to bring a teddy bear to have a teddy bear picnic. Usually Sam doesn't want to go to school, but he was so excited to get to wear his pajamas to school that all week long he was so excited. Jeff and I both envy Sam because he gets so excited about things.

Our Princess with an attitude
Here's our 7 year old that acts like shes 15. She like to argue with mom and thinks that she knows more than me. Oh well, this too shall pass right? Anyway she is doing great in gymnastics and school.